Importance of Hygiene Products
in Clinics/Hospitals
Infection Prevention and Control through intensive hospital hygiene is the safest, most effective and economical way to safeguard patient health. Improving hospital environmental hygiene can reduce environmental contamination and risk for transmission of healthcare-associated infections. Contaminated surfaces can act as sources from which healthcare workers contaminate their hands, and in some instances, patients acquire pathogens following direct contact with contaminated equipment or other surfaces providing patients with a safe environment of care requires a high level of compliance with recommended hand hygiene policies and appropriate cleaning and disinfection of medical equipment and environmental surfaces Infectious pathogens that are prevalent in the hospital environment are viruses (hepatitis ABC, HIV, norovirus) and bacteria which can be spread through contact with biological fluids and faeco-oral route. Fungi are responsible for a number of respiratory infections spread aerially and through the use of respirators. The majority of hospital infections have methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Clostridium difficile involvement, although recent years show a rise in E.Coli infections. Micro-organisms involved in Hospital-acquired infections are displaying increased antibiotic resistance, which is spreading to Gram-negative bacteria that can spread into the general public sphere.
Importance of Hygiene Products
in Surgery Centers
The Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) provides guidelines for thorough cleaning and disinfection of surgical environments. The fundamental elements of these guidelines are also applicable to any ASC area requiring an elevated level of cleaning and disinfection. Proper terminal cleaning protocol requires that cleaning staff wear proper cleaning attire and personal protective equipment (PPE), including scrubs, gowns, hair nets, gloves, face or eye protection and shoe covers. Hands should be thoroughly washed before beginning work. The cleaning products, prep equipment, and chemicals should all be sufficiently wiped with disinfectant agents to reduce cross-contamination risks. Before cleaning, the staff should do a survey to identify special problems, such as the presence of blood or other bodily fluids. If detected, the staff should follow standard Occupational Safety and Health Administration-approved procedures required for bodily fluid clean up. Proper protocol standards should also include a special focus on high-touch point cleaning of door handles, light switches, phones, keyboards, etc., utilizing the proper color-coded microfiber (colors designated for individual areas of a facility) and hospital-grade disinfectant. Wall and ceiling areas should be cleaned with a microfiber flat mop that is wet with sufficient disinfectant solution and allowed proper dwell time. For floors, the area should be flood mopped and, after proper dwell time, the solution recovered using a wet/dry vacuum. When executing terminal cleaning procedures, all movable items should be shifted to one side of the room to be cleaned, disinfected and moved back into position. For equipment that is moved on casters, cleaning staff should be sure to clean the casters themselves, and even roll them through an amount of disinfectant when moving back into position. Trash receptacles should be emptied and also thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
Importance of Hygiene Products
in Pharmacy
Cleanliness in the pharmacy is essential. Keeping both the pharmacy work areas and yourself clean will prevent cross-contamination. It also means that medications will be pure when dispensed. Handwashing is the single most important method of maintaining proper hygiene and preventing the spread of bacteria. Working with medicines in production pharmacy must be done with latex gloves when handling items that can be potentially contaminated, although it is not a substitute for handwashing. And, after each contamination, you should do the process all over again. Contamination of Hands: Bacteria can be transferred from one person to another by unhygienic washroom procedures. Bacteria can also be transferred from a person's rectum to another part of their body by a lack of hygiene. To many people, washi¬¬ng their hands after using a washroom is an automatic activity that they would never consider omitting. Research has shown that a surprising number of people don't wash their hands after using a toilet, however.
Importance of Personal Hygiene
Maintaining personal hygiene is necessary for many reasons; personal, social, health,
psychological or simply as a way of life. Keeping a good standard of hygiene helps to prevent the development and spread of infections, illnesses and bad odors. Most people are very
conscious of personal hygiene because:
• We're taught the importance of hygiene from an early age.
• We may have been "picked-on" at school for a one-off or a persistent hygiene problem. This may even have been an issue mistakenly related to hygiene by others - such as head lice.
• It is off-putting to our friends and colleagues if we smell unpleasant etc.
• We're aware of health problems that can develop as a result of poor personal hygiene.
• Most people hate to be talked about, especially in a negative manner. By ensuring that our body is clean and well presented, we are more assured of projecting a positive body image that reflects our personalities.
• Children should be taught the importance of hygiene and how to achieve good hygiene very early to keep themselves and others healthy and to reduce the risk of being bullied at school.
• Health Reasons.
• Poor hygiene can lead to poor health. If you have cut yourself, the wound should be cleaned and dressed suitably, this can help reduce the risk of infection and pain.
• Conditions such as head lice, athlete’s foot, etc. should be treated immediately to prevent further infections and spread to others.
• Hand washing cannot be emphasized enough as this simple action can prevent a plethora of illnesses and disorders developing. Many people ‘forget’ to wash their hands after using the toilet or before handling foods; this can cause a great deal of illness and even death.